How to Use the Wong Halves Count for Beginners

How to Use the Wong Halves Count for Beginners

The Wong Halves Count is a card counting system developed by Stanford Wong that helps blackjack players gauge the advantage they have over the casino based on the remaining cards in the shoe. While it’s a more advanced counting system, beginners can still learn and apply it effectively. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the Wong Halves Count:

How to Use the Wong Halves Count for Beginners

  1. Familiarize Yourself with Card Values: In the Wong Halves Count, each card is assigned a value. The values are as follows:

– 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6: +1

– 7, 8, and 9: 0

– 10, J, Q, K, and A: -1

  1. Keep a Running Count: Start with an initial count of zero when the shoe is shuffled, and as each card is dealt, add or subtract the corresponding value to the running count. For example, if a 4 and a 10 are dealt, the running count becomes -1.
  2. Convert Running Count to True Count: To account for the number of remaining decks in the shoe, divide the running count by the approximate number of decks yet to be dealt. For instance, if the running count is -8, and there are approximately two decks remaining, the true count is -8 divided by 2, which is -4.
  3. Adjust Your Strategy Based on True Count: The true count helps determine the advantage or disadvantage you have over the casino. With a higher positive true count, the odds shift in your favor, and you should ideally increase your bet size. Conversely, with a negative true count, the advantage shifts towards the casino, and you may want to lower your bets or even refrain from playing altogether.
  4. Practice, Practice, Practice: Card counting requires practice to become proficient. Start by using the Wong Halves Count at home, playing through decks of cards to develop your counting skills and accuracy. As you become more comfortable, you can graduate to using the system in a live casino environment.

Remember, while the Wong Halves Count can give you an edge, casinos may have policies against card counting. It’s important to adhere to casino rules and remain discreet to avoid detection. Focus on accuracy, discipline, and continuous practice to master this card counting system effectively.

Author: Roland Brown